Our New Home

Unity Of Muskegon

Spiritual Center

JOIN US at 1735 Peck St. Muskegon


Unity of Muskegon has this facility for our new home.  We did a visioning exercise, listing all the features we wanted, and It showed up fast!  Air conditioned, handicapped accessible, easy to maintain, convenient parking.  People also put "Young people," or "youth," or "teenagers."  We discovered that a middle school will be built directly across the street, facing it!  This ministry feels blessed and we are so very grateful.

We share a spiritual journey of discovering the divine power that is each individual's to realize and express. Every Sunday, our gathering at 11:00 am involves you in a time of inner expansion and appreciation of living.

The journey of our shared heart awakenings unites us with all traditions and lifestyles. We emphasize the heart energy, with the wisdom and intelligence of the heart. The human family is on the verge of a transformation that is fueled by this faculty of being, the heart. We invite you to join our experience of cultivating a heart connection with your own sacred self, with all living things, with all that is. 

Our source is the Christ

The love nature that lives in each of us.

Our Beliefs

The church is not a building or a Sunday service, it's a group of people all working toward.

Serve Others

It's a group of people all working toward the common goal spreading God’s love to the world.


We love meeting together on Sundays, but a truly effective church gathers throughout the week.e. here

Give Love

We encourage everyone to get involved by volunteering on a team and joining one of our many groupere

Teaching Weekly

Group of people all working toward the common goal spreading God’s love to the world.

Join Our Weekly Events

Event Calendar


11:00 AM



Rev. Diana Stark


6:00 PM

Spiritual Metaphysics

Discussion group With Rev. Diane Stark & Charles DeTurk


7:00 PM

Men's Small Group

Hosted with Alexander Burgess

September 21

1:00PM -4:00PM

Autumn Open House

Embrace old friends and make new ones with

Pumpkin Pie and Cider


September 22

1:00PM -4:00PM

Blessing of the Children

Special Sunday Service


Unity of Muskegon

We did a visioning exercise, listing all the features we wanted, and It showed up fast!  Air conditioned, handicapped accessible, easy to maintain, convenient parking.  People also put "Young people," or "youth," or "teenagers."  We discovered that a middle school will be built directly across the street, facing it!  This ministry feels blessed and we are so very grateful.


What We Believe

Being a spiritual family, we proceed to learn a new kind of partnership, encouragement, and mutuality. We leave behind the old paradigm of fear based, power addicted actions and shift to a new age of teamwork, enlightened leadership, and a universally humane and sustainable world community.

Meet The Reverend

Diana Stark

We are not a building. We are not an event. We are a family, God’s family. We come from all walks of life and over 100 nationalities. No matter what you’ve been through or where you’ve come from, you are welcome here. Join us to see why God’s family is no ordinary family.