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Prayers and Affirmations

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I now allow Divine Light to fill my awareness.
Peace permeates every fiber of my being, healing
and renewing me and harmonizing my life and affairs.
I feel, at depth, the love of God, endless, eternal, infinite.
New possibilities, revealed by Your Love, God,
open before me, and I know that I am free.
With praise and thanksgiving, I find new courage with
​God as my constant source and guide.       Amen

Turning Point Prayer


The Holy Spirit moves in powerful ways to harmonize my thoughts and feelings, and bring to my remembrance who I truly am...

an ever-evolving, ever-unfolding spiritual being, filled with Gods's love, light, and power, and free...really free!...

to live in fulfillment and joy.


The light of God's presence shines from within and fills my heart and mind with infinite wisdom, inspiration,

and Divine guidance.


The Spirit of God within me empowers me to let go

of anything that does not serve me.


Moment by moment, God's love is my strength,

my courage, and my pea.


And so, I hold a vision of sharing myself

with integrity and love, joyously and freely,

as I awaken to new possibilities 

revealed by Your Love, God.


Thank you, God, for Your love, that fills my being

with assurance and trust.


Thank you for Your light that fills my life with order,

abundance, and fulfillment.


In the name and through the power of the

living Christ presence, so it is.

                               Amen            - Rev. Diane Stark

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If you have experienced the death of a loved one....


The power of our hearts to love, to break, to heal, really outranks and overrides all other influences in this temporal life on earth. Give yourself the right to honor your heart and let it lead you to deeper states of love, connection, and wonder. Know that the soul of your loved one is on an eternal journey of unfoldment and that love is the only reality that matters in this progress. Let your loved one reveal themselves to you, and know your relationship is now in a new dimension, beyond time and space. The wonders of new awareness, new connection, and expanded consciousness are your healing. Your heart is filled with peace, awe, and grace.

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